Overcoming The Covid-19 Blues
YouTube VIDEO: A Song Dedicated to Fellow Long Coviders
I am one of an estimated 25 million suffers of so-called “long Covid”.
There are two types of long Covid; the first includes symptoms such as; serious lung fibrosis, major organ and tissue damage. The second is more subtle, including symptoms of; sustained fatigue, brain fog and post-exertional malaise.
Health care professionals at a recent Harvard-sponsored forum are now warning that long-Covid represents the next major health crisis we will be facing even after the pandemic ends. Bottom line: It appears that we will all be living with the impact of Covid for a very long time.
As we now move into the third year of this life-changing global pandemic, I offer this humble song to help us all put Covid-19 crisis into perspective.
Are you one of the few not facing the Covid blues?
Well bravo! How very good for you.
May we all somehow overcome the Covid blues!
It started in China, Wuhan was the city,
And circled the globe, oh what a pity.
It came to America, oh so quickly,
Making the citizens remarkably sickly.
The pharmaceuticals jumped to the cause!
And worked on a solution without a pause.
Vaccinations were said to be to “the cure”,
But a whole lot of folks were not so sure!
My, how our world has so quickly changed,
Yes, our lives have been completely rearranged.
Since Covid first crossed Dr. Fauci’s lips.
And the government began offering us tips.
From masks, to zoom meetings, to lockdowns,
2020 brought lots of demands from the top-down.
American’s began to ponder our new touchless era,
Asking: “Is Covid real, or a government chimera?”
Yes, this pandemic has further divided our nation,
The new social taboo; “Did you get your vaccinations?”
Then came the 2021 economic fallout; rising inflation,
Despite five trillion in stimulus, there’s still no salvation.
As 2022 dawns and the new strains now threaten,
With a death toll of 5 million, fear has begun to set-in.
It’s time to reflect on what’s most important in life,
Is this the year for more thought about the afterlife?