Earthing: The Remarkable Science of Grounding

Movie Review — Watch it Here

M. David Bradshaw
4 min readMar 9, 2024

“While calling ourselves intelligent, we’ve lost touch with the natural world. As a result, we’ve lost touch with our own souls. I believe we can’t access our full intelligence and wisdom without some real connection to nature.” — Richard Rohr

A new theory suggests that walking barefoot outside can heal the human body.

That’s right, “earthing” is the practice of walking barefoot (or wearing non-insulated footwear) has been shown scientifically to have restorative results such as better sleep and reduced inflammation.

It seems walking and playing in the dirt, grass and sand — which we intuitively enjoyed as children — can can now intentionally activate healing in our bodies as adults.

According to The Beginners Guide to Earthing:

“Earthing refers to a physical connection that takes place between the electrical frequencies of the human body and those of the earth. Just like the sun constantly provides us with important energy, nutrients and vitamins, the earth too is a source of subtle energy that provides important elements that contribute to optimum health. Despite the human body’s biological design as a natural conductor, many of us have misplaced our connection with Earth’s energy and this reality can have some severe repercussions.

This connection to the earth can happen in a variety of ways. The easiest is by getting in direct, bare-skinned contact with Earth — picture standing, sitting or walking without shoes or socks on the grass or along the beach, for example. When being barefoot isn’t possible, another effective means of Earthing (also referred to as grounding) is through the use of specially designed devices such as bed sheets, and floor, desk mat.” (or specially designed shoes).

Image courtesy of

In the majority of “Blue Zones” where people live the longest there is a common denominator of good health walking barefoot and working in your own backyard vegetable garden-something most everyone could do.”

My daughter Elizabeth had been asking me to please watch this one-hour documentary for years, so finally I did. It credibly illustrates the simple science of how and why ever since the advent of rubber sole shoes in the 1950s we have all become over-charged electrically and could benefit from intentional grounding of our body, mind and soul.

Sound crazy? Too simple to work? Join me and 7 million others in giving this documentary a watch and then take your own test! Take off those fancy sneakers and walk on the earth as much as possible for a week or two to see what may happen.

Take a look in your closet. You may discover, as I did, that every single pair of shoes and sandals I own (and that most other people own today) are rubber-soled.

So, decided to order a pair of grounded sandals from Harmony783 for the many occasions that wearing shoes are a must, even in my laid back community of Sarasota, FL. Stay tuned for updates on how it may help my neuropathy and leg swelling, as well as sleep quality.

What have you got to lose except a bit of stress and perhaps a your collection of beloved fashion accessories?

Not sure? Here are a few movie reviews…

“This is the kind of documentary you SHOULDN’T MISS. It not only brings you closer to mother nature, but also sheds light on how technology has made us distance ourselves from mother Earth. Our comfortable things not only create a barrier between us and the nature, but also change our biology and development.

After watching this documentary, I felt like burring myself deep into some moist-soil… feel the earth-worms tickling and massaging my skin, the moist moisturizing my skin, and soil growing some new parts. Unfortunately, I stayed in and did nothing.

A MUST WATCH if you’re into learning about technology and its negative-impact on mankind’s evolution, or ways to combat depression, swell feet, and other disease.” -Mr. Ali

“The earthing movie was very inspiring! This information is truly so basic, really and critical to be cognizant of in order to be truly healthy. With our incredibly unhealthy relationship with technology creating such imbalances in our body, mind and spirit….. then throw into the equation a complete disconnection to Mother Earth, you can begin to understand why a majority of the population struggles with one or more aspects of their mental and physical health. I am grateful that this movie is out and elucidating all of us!!” — Ms.Lazisk

“Absolutely incredible. I have the mat and I love it. At 74 I no longer have to stretch in order to stand up straight in the morning. No back pain, hip pain went away and I am jogging again.” -Ms. Foley



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