A Transformational Gift For You!
2020 has been a year of metamorphosis for humanity.
For millions, the puzzle pieces of their life have become jumbled amid the 2020 pandemic.
For some, the picture they had of their life, envisioned on the puzzle box cover, is no longer recognizable. A new image may be needed to help to fit these disunited parts back together into a new whole.
Everything from politics… to employment… to personal relationships has been shaken, rattled and rolled so that what remains can hopefully rest upon a firmer foundation.
True spiritual direction is needed. Thankfully, today wisdom traditions are gradually converging to form a beautiful spiritual tapestry which reflects unity on the essentials, diversity on the non-essentials, and love in all things.
In my second half of life I’ve increasingly concluded that all spirituality boils down to one simple truism; “Love God, Love Your Neighbor”. This universal “Golden Rule” serves as the practical foundation of every wisdom tradition on earth.
We each are a unique embodiment of this Love. If we can simply discover how to stay plugged into the Source of this Pure Love, our life could suddenly become more joy-full, peace-full and bliss-full.
This year I decided to invest a portion of my spare time into to publishing my first book: Blissfull Books & Ballads: Heart-Stirring Reviews & Songs Inspired By Classic Spiritual Books (Paperback: $7.95, E-Pub: $5.95, 11/20, Idea…